Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Time for Bed

The lastest issue of H&G arrived today and featured an article on bedding. Here are a couple that stood out.

I love the stricking black and white with the vibrant pink walls highlighting the vintage french adverts - the Sheridan Lutece Tulle quilt cover is a winner.

I love the tongue and groove timber walls and the chartreuse velvet comforter with the pom poms, teamed with the flower, chevromn and stripes.

1 comment:

  1. Hello, My daughter came across this photo on the internet and I have been searching for this bedding because she ADORES this look. She isn't a kid that asks for much so when she really likes something I give it my best shot. Can you please tell me where I can purchase this bedding or fabric? I'm pretty desparate to do create this room! Thank you so very much.
